Let’s ask some questions today about the nature of REALITY from a biblical perspective. If we view the Bible as a movie, it starts in Genesis with an opening scene of a river, man, and a tree. And it ends in Revelation with a river, people, and a tree. Everything in-between is a story of work, time, life, death, and God’s plan for salvation. God gave man the choice of how to live, and he has created destruction, decay, brokenness and pain. The good news is at the end of the movie Yeshua, ישוע, is coming back to RESTORE all things back to its original creation. He will return us all to the garden. And He wants us all to be a part, reigning with Him, participating in that restoration. That is GOOD NEWS!


Mike is one of our Elders. He regularly provides beautiful insights and revelations through his teachings about how relevant the whole of the Bible is for us today. He is a trusted member and leader of our congregation.

Holding Fast the Faithful Word


Living at Peace with our Brethren