Grace and Truth Sabbath Fellowship

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Dying to Self and Living to God

The Teaching was about Dying to Self and Living to God by Mike Wiesman. It started off looking like a cooking show with a table containing fresh vegetables and a Vita-mix. He explained how living things have to die in order to become good food for us. Things that have been long dead are not as good for food. Even then, God made a process where leaves die, fall to the ground, decompose, and then their nutrients are used by new living things.

Yeshua died for us to have life. Tribulation produces perseverance (Rom 5:3). Yeshua died and came to live again (1Cor 15:3), being made alive by the Spirit (1Pet 3:18).

We need to die to ourselves, to kill our self image to take on the image of Christ, who was a servant (Matt 20:26-28). Service requires humility (Phil 2:3-8). When we have the light of Christ, we should let it shine to others (Matt 5:16).

Mike turned on the Vita-mix, made the salsa and served it on the lunch-line. A very good thing came about from the death of tomatoes, onions and other veggies. By His Spirit, we can do the same!